Skeleton No Bottom
“ You should eat more food and eat it often too, like six times in a day”, mum says to Tiwa my best friend. She is skinny and eats very little. She is the first person I have met who dislike food. I don’t know her favourite food because she never eats anything with delight. She eats sparingly. I am the exact opposite of Tiwa, I LOVE food! My mum is a great cook you see, and she makes all sorts of whatnots from the recipes she reads about in cookery books or those she gets from the internet. Everyone in my house has a healthy appetite and no one is skinny except my brother; my brother eats a lot but it does not reflect on his body which makes us tease him all the time. Tiwa is looking down at her toes, trying to hide the crooked smile on her lips. My friend always has that crooked smile on her face whenever my mum makes any of those remarks regarding her weight. I am not bothered about mum’s remark to my friend, I am busy behind the kitchen counter with a plate of five cookies resting...