I got my master's from CAMBRIDGE and I got mine from O.A.U, please tell me...what's the difference?

The other day I stumbled on a post on twitter, a friend of mine Badmus Opeyemi had tweeted "master's from abroad or not, we're all gonna end up in entry level whenever we get a job". That got me thinking really hard cos I have this close friend who had gone to London to get his master's degree and fast-forward a year after, I have no master's I'm now working but he's still job-hunting and he says it's likely he goes back for his Ph.D cos d master's doesn't seem to be bringing forth anything. The problem with Nigeria is not that they have no graduates to fill the positions in the numerous organizations and companies we have, the problem is that the employers do not want to employ those who they feel they'll av 2 pay higher salaries cos they are UK or U.S returnees. Now, when our rich and affluent parents decide to send us out of the country for post-graduate studies, we're always very happy and we go along with all d arrangements with high hopes believing that when we get back we'll have better chances compared to our counterparts back in Naija.
       Reality only sets in when you've been in the country for two years plus and you're still sending your CV to numerous companies and checking your mail box very 30mins of each blessed day and finding out you've not gotten just one single reply from any of those organizations and even if u do, u're going to go through the same aptitude tests and interviews with ur Naija counterparts and if u do pass those tests and interviews, u're gon be in d same entry level with those Naija counterparts, so do u as a UK or U.S  master's holder really av an edge over ur Naija counterparts? I really do not know the answer to this question which is why I'd like to know what your answer is...*winks*


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