So the other day I was on a bus, on my way home after a stressful day at work. There was heavy traffic as usual and a guy was busy playing games on his phone, he sat down behind me beside the window. My earpiece were plugged into my ears and d next thing I heard was the shrill cry of ole! ole!! ole!!! form behind me and every passenger on d bus had started chanting ole too. We all know d festive period is here and the bad guys must get money for Christmas at all costs, the guys phone had been snatched by God-knows-who from outside the window...Eko 4 show. Hehehe, I felt sorry 4 d guy, he told d driver to stop so he can go after the thief. So, he got down...I'm not sure if he found d guy or not. My own experience days later was so hilarious, I had just alighted from the bus at my bus-stop and was waiting to cross to the other side, little did I know that a guy on a bike was speeding from behind me in a bid to snatch my bag, but trust yours truly...I no be JJC now, I heard d sound of a bike close to me from behind and with my bag tightly clasped underneath my armpits even though the straps were on my shoulder, I turned to look at the bike and lo and behold d stupid guy and his bike fell cos of d clash of forces: him trying to snatch d bag and I turning round d same instant without a Affliction shall not rise up the second time is what the Lord said, dem don show me pepper last year for Idumota wen dem cut my bag. The guy laid dere wailing on d road while ppl hurled insults a him cos dey had seen all his moves. This is just a reminder for u to be extraordinarily careful with ur stuffs dis December. Ciao!!!


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