Shattered Beyond Repair (Episode 4)

He was stronger than she was and all she could do was scream. Another slap landed on her cheeks. She started crying.
“Do you want to wake the neighbours? You must be very stupid,” Tayo said.
He succeeded in pulling off her pants even though she tried frantically to stop him. Before she knew what was happening, something hard was poking her in-between her thighs.
“Open your legs, stupid girl” Tayo shouted at her but she didn’t move.
“Raise your knees,” he ordered again but she made no move. Tears flowed freely from her eyes as he raised her knees and forced himself into her. She couldn’t scream, she felt like fire was burning between her thighs and someone had inserted pepper inside her. He kept moving inside her, jerking roughly until he collapsed on top of her.
He got up and went into the room. She didn’t get up. She just laid there crying and scratching herself. He came back in the morning and did it to her again. This time, she didn’t shout, she had resigned herself to fate. In the morning when she got up, she saw blood on the mattress. She was dejected and cried all through. Her uncle and his family would be back in the evening and she would tell them what Tayo had done to her even though he had threatened to kill her if she did. She didn’t go to church; she stayed indoors till the family finally came back.
Immediately her uncle got into the parlour, she started crying hysterically and was rolling on the floor shouting “aye mi ti baje o, yee!” without stopping. Her uncle was perplexed, even his wife was wondering what could have happened. They both asked her to tell them what happened and she did. Her uncle was furious and asked her where Tayo was but she said she didn’t know where he was. Romoke was begging her and helping her to wipe her tears. Her uncle’s wife was eyeing her and hissing intermittently, saying she knew Tomi was lying on her son. Uncle Lanre was about to get up from his seat when Tayo came in. He told them that he went to have a haircut.
“Is this thing I just heard true Tayo?” his mother asked.
“This dirty girl here said you raped her,” she said fuming.
“Me!” he touched his chest looking surprised. “Mummy, this girl is a family destroyer o, she is a home-wrecker.”
“Will you keep quiet?” his father barked. “She has proof.”
“What do you have to say about the blood on the mattress?” his father asked him. He couldn’t reply and was just stuttering. Finally, he managed to say something, “she seduced me.” The slap that landed on his cheeks from his dad sent him reeling backwards.
“Are you insane?” “How could you say your cousin seduced you?” “Are you an animal?”
His mother was disappointed but she put on a brave face and ordered Tomi and the other kids to get out of her sight because she would like to discipline the boy.
That was all that was said about the issue. She was sternly warned not to tell anyone by her uncle and his wife; if she did, she would be thrown out of the house. Nobody took her to the hospital and nobody cared how she felt. When she missed her period and told Tayo's mum, she was taken to a hospital to abort it and that had further helped in destroying the girl’s life.
Romoke kept showing her the X-rated videos and her slutty magazines. It wasn’t long before she became a sex object. She did it with anyone who cared enough to give her money. She did it anywhere; kiosks in the street late at night, back of the house with a vulcaniser who was their neighbour, the empty class in school with different boys, in the hotels with married men and okada riders and also in the backseats of taxi drivers’ cars.
Sometimes, she used condoms; sometimes she didn’t. She took pills and had numerous abortions. By the time she got to SSS3 at the age of sixteen, she had lost count of her sexual partners. She became a sex addict and didn’t care about what anybody had to say regarding her waywardness. Surprisingly, she passed all her papers and got good grades in her SSCE results. But when she asked her uncle if she could go to the university, he replied that she and Romoke couldn’t go at the same time because there was no money and Tayo was already in school. This did not bother Tomi because she knew she would get money and go to the university. In the evening, she called Bode; he was the one she liked most amongst her numerous boyfriends and he worked in a bank. He was the one who bought her the phone she was now using. She asked if she could come and spend the night at his place and he agreed. Nobody in the house cared about her whereabouts and so she could go anywhere without anyone asking where she had been.
Later, when she had gotten to Bode's house, she made rice and stew with plantains for dinner. Thereafter, she decided to ask Bode for her JAMB fees.
“Bode please, can I get a sum of five thousand naira from you?” she asked.
“What do you need it for?” he asked without looking up from the magazine he was reading.
“I want to get a JAMB form.”
“Has your uncle decided to finance your education?”
“Where do you intend to get money from then?”
“Don’t bother about that, I’ll sort myself out. I can take care of myself.”
“Okay. Remind me tomorrow morning, I’ll give you when I drop you off.”
“Thanks so much my love.”
She hugged and kissed him. The kissing resulted into smooching and finally, they had sex all through the night.
Tomi got the JAMB form and wrote the exams. She passed the examinations and was admitted into Unilag to study Law. As soon as she got into school, she changed levels from the street sex hawker that she was before into a proper aristo babe. She dated commissioners and ministers, those were the real clients according to her and she dated Bank managers and Yahoo boys; these category was what she called the short-timers. This meant that she could decide to leave them at anytime. She skipped classes and travelled most of the time. She bribed some of the lecturers and had sex with some in order to keep her grades up. She had more money than she needed, she was living the life.
To be continued...


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