
Showing posts from December, 2020

The Business of Social Media Influencing in Africa

  Social media influencing is fast becoming a major aspect of marketing in Africa. This is because the billboard, television and radio advertisements are no longer getting the job done the way they used to back in the days. With regards to this article, I would like to use Nigeria which is the largest country in West Africa (with regards to population) as my case study. If we are to discuss the business of social media influencing in Africa, we would have to talk about everything that is involved in social media influencing such as: ·          What is social media influencing? ·          Who is a social media influencer? ·          What are the benefits of using social media influencers in advertising? ·          What are the different types of social media influencers that exist? ·      ...

A Step to Better Health - The Benefits of Spa Treatment

  I remember logging in to Instagram one fine Saturday morning and seeing one of the social media influencers that I follow telling her audience about how she went for a spa treatment after being stressed for a long time. She mentioned that she did facials and had a general body massage. She went ahead to list the benefits of spa treatments and encouraged her followers to go for massage treatment once in a while. It is in this light that I would like to expatiate on how spa can improve our chances of getting better health for ourselves. For the purpose of this article, let us look at spa treatment as one of the steps to assuaging stress. According to an article on, “stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension”. Stress inhibits the human ability to function properly. The person who is undergoing stress will not be able to perform his daily tasks and this may lead to a break down in the person’s health if something is not done about it. Let’s imagine th...

ANDELA – Africa’s Tech Giant

    Andela is a company that seeks to identify, select and train software engineers and developers. Its headquarters is in the United States of America and it has African branches in Lagos, Kampala, Kigali and Nairobi. Its branch in Lagos, Nigeria was launched in 2014. What they do is that they look out for talented software engineers and developers and groom them for companies around the world through trainings in order to eradicate the problem of tech staff inadequacy and build strong and excellent tech teams. They also partner with other tech companies such as Google, Facebook, Pluralsight, Microsoft and so on in order to assist in training the members of staff in their tech departments. The Andela tech team being a member of partner companies is a guarantee for huge business growth. Over two hundred thousand (200,000) engineers and above have been recruited by Andela from across the African continent for several companies. It is worthy of note that they recruit the...