ANDELA – Africa’s Tech Giant



Andela is a company that seeks to identify, select and train software engineers and developers. Its headquarters is in the United States of America and it has African branches in Lagos, Kampala, Kigali and Nairobi. Its branch in Lagos, Nigeria was launched in 2014.

What they do is that they look out for talented software engineers and developers and groom them for companies around the world through trainings in order to eradicate the problem of tech staff inadequacy and build strong and excellent tech teams.

They also partner with other tech companies such as Google, Facebook, Pluralsight, Microsoft and so on in order to assist in training the members of staff in their tech departments. The Andela tech team being a member of partner companies is a guarantee for huge business growth.

Over two hundred thousand (200,000) engineers and above have been recruited by Andela from across the African continent for several companies. It is worthy of note that they recruit their engineers by measuring them against a 45-point engineering competency, industry verified test.

The talents that are recruited are also made to go through a situational and behavioural assessment to evaluate their leadership skills. Now, despite that they recruit developers and engineers for companies, they don’t just match any talent with any company. They screen their recruited talents and then match them with companies where they think they would be best suited to work effectively.

The recruited talents from Andela who work in other partner companies are adequately compensated by the company itself. So, partner companies do not have to bother about payment of salaries and other benefits since they are already taken care of.

To ensure that recruited talents work effectively, they have a dedicated technical support team that work closely with the recruited teams in various companies to ensure the continued success of their team in those companies and the general success of that company as well.

The recruited engineers work according to the partner companies’ rules and regulations, they are adaptable and are also native speakers of the English language. They are also excellent at hard core engineering skills and soft people skills.

Tech companies or companies with tech departments who are having a hard time at recruiting the best minds in the tech industry have nothing to worry about once they can partner with Andela—the go-to name in solving tech problems for companies around the world.





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