Beauty tips 4 Guys

Guys oh what m gonna say to u?I mean m nt a guy nd so wdn't know? But here is wat wd like my guy 2 do...M only gonna be talking abt d face 2 nyt so...I tnk a guy could use a facial scrub too in d mornings thrice in a week b4 u take ur bath,clean ur face wt a cleanser every nyt if u av d chance cos u dnt make-up,so u dnt nid 2 do it in d mornings too...try to shave to remove excess hair frm the face nd yes u could shapen ur lashes too and use lipgloss @ least u use it during harmattan so,watz d big deal?And b4 U know it,dat gal who has been styling for you,wd suddenly be smiling up @ u.Just don't tell her I said dat.gud nyt.Yours truly....Tenioladarl.Dnt 4get,I love you all.


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